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Your Marketing Team's Favorite New Partner.

Video content shouldn't live in a vacuum. That's why we ideate, script, and produce every video with a specific stage of the customer journey and marketing funnel in mind. We approach every project with the eye of a Chief Marketing Officer to ensure sound strategy, planning, and execution. Sign up to talk to our C.M.O. to discuss what your marketing platform may need to reach the next level.

What we mean by "making your brand famous."

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Research From Ehrenberg-Bass

According to research from the Ehrenberg-Bass IPA Databank, 1998-2018, campaigns that aim to increase a firm’s share of mind are the most effective, and the more famous they make the company, the better the business results.

By fame, we mean getting the campaign talked about or shared. It's mission-critical to create content that puts your brand top-of-mind for everyone in your target industry or niche. As you can see from the chart, campaigns that aim for fame outperform all other campaign objective types.

Why is video so important for marketing?

Wyzowl's Video Marketing Statistics 2023 Report has highlighted the importance of high-quality videos in making a brand famous. Here are some of the key findings:

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96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.

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89% of people say watching a video has convinced them to buy a product or service.

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91% of people say they want to see more online videos from brands in 2024.

How Our Services Work

Video content shouldn't live in a vacuum. That's why we ideate, script, and produce every video with a specific stage of the customer journey and marketing funnel in mind. Here's how that works.

A Standard Marketing Funnel


Awareness Videos

Awareness videos are your brand's first "touch" with a customer, and includes commercials and PSAs to highlight the customer's problem.

Engagement Videos

Once someone has engaged with your content, they are then served a video that further tells them how you can help solve their problem. These include brand videos and explainers.

Consideration Videos

Customers will want to understand why they should choose you over the competition. Consideration videos include explainers and mini-docs, and showcase how your values align with theirs.

Evaluation Videos

Before choosing your company, a customer will evaluate your brand to establish trust. Evaluation videos include customer testimonials and endorsements.

Corporate Case Study: Seafood Restaurant Chain

Check these marketing funnel videos we created as part of a larger marketing platform for the S.E.A. Crab House restaurant chain. We started from the ground up, creating a strategic marketing plan, budgets, forcasts, campaigns, and content.

Our marketing efforts brought in 22,774 new customers worth $1,024,840 in revenues in the first six periods.

The restaurant industry operates in four-week "periods" with thirteen periods in a calendar year. Tracking KPIs, conversions, foot traffic, and POS data, we produced the following results:

  • Period 1: 6,000 conversion actions and 956 new customers.
  • Period 2: 13,790 conversion actions and 3,973 new customers.
  • Period 3: 15,015 conversion actions and 3,445 new customers.
  • Period 4: 9,417 conversion actions and 3,107 new customers.
  • Period 5: 16,987 conversion actions and 4,929 new customers.
  • Period 6: 31,646 conversion actions and 6,364 new customers.





Our team is ready to explore how we can bring value to your business.

No two companies are the same, and with that understanding, we customize every project to ensure you receive the right guidance and services without paying for things you don't need.

If you're not leveraging visual storytelling in your marketing, you're leaving money on the table.

We get it. Marketing isn't cheap. It is, however, essential for communicating brand messaging and connecting with new and existing customers. Schedule a meeting with the calendar below, and let's explore who we can bring value to your marketing efforts, together.

Learn more about who we are and why we do what we do.

We started this journey together with a mission: to make what we love doing what we do for a living. Every project is a work of passion, and each creative mind on the team contributes a critical element that makes our video production and marketing services something truly special.